Plumbloom Myrr
World Roulette Book by Light Grey Art Lab
World Roulette Book by Light Grey Art Lab
Once upon a time, under the safeguarding shade of The Kilmo Tree, thrived the small but noble civilization of Plumbloom Myrr. For 300 years they foraged these woods, drank and fished from its ponds, and were celebrated for their lavish wood crafting, and the most formidable ships in the forest. But they didn’t prosper alone! They revered the mighty creatures that shared their ecosystem and kept the balance of their world.
But harmony came to an end when The Great Mushroom Flourish devoured the land. The Plumbloomers, fearing death, abandoned their homes. They left them to crumble underneath the decay of their beautiful gods, who succumbed to the disease brought upon by the spores of the bewitching mushroom fields. They began a treacherous journey, under oath to settle underneath a new Tree of Life, leaving tiny nests and artifacts along their path.
But harmony came to an end when The Great Mushroom Flourish devoured the land. The Plumbloomers, fearing death, abandoned their homes. They left them to crumble underneath the decay of their beautiful gods, who succumbed to the disease brought upon by the spores of the bewitching mushroom fields. They began a treacherous journey, under oath to settle underneath a new Tree of Life, leaving tiny nests and artifacts along their path.